Jobs Information
[Jobs Info: Fellowship for Young International Scientists] The Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) has been implementing the "Program for Attracting Overseas Scientists and Experts and Cultivating Talent through International Exchange" Under this program, the CAS will provide each recipient with a grant to cover the recipient's salary, daily living allowance, and health insurance, between 150,000 and 250,000 RMB (pre-tax, approximately 6.1RMB=1USD on March 30, 2014) per year, the exact amount being determined according to the length of the visit and the academic level of the visitor.
Recipients at the research scientist level, under the age of 40, will receive up to 250,000 RMB per year. Post-doctoral recipients, under the age of 35, will receive up to 150,000 RMB per year. CAS will also provide a round-trip (economy-class) international airfare between the airport located nearest to the visitor's home and that nearest to the host institute.
CAS and other agencies also support long-term visits by senior U.S physicists through other programs. For more information, please contact Prof. Yu-Gang Ma (ygma@sinap.ac.cn) at the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS or Prof. Yu-Hu Zhang (yhzhang@impcas.ac.cn) at the Institute of Modern Physics, CAS.
Many government agencies, universities and research institutions in China can provide scholarship and funds through various programs to support U.S. scientists to conduct long-term collaborative research in China. Applications for such support normally need to be sponsored by a Chinese institution. Interested researchers can contact one of the CUSTIPEN contact persons.